I have some great teacher friends online who share the best resources for implementing Common Core and I needed a place to store all the links. Then I had a thought...why not on my blog! DUH! Hope you find these resources as useful as I have. If you know of a great resource for implementing Common Core, email me (readingandthinkingoutloud@gmail.com), so I can add it to the page.
Darke County Educational Service CenterExemplar Common Core Lessons - EQuIP (Educators Evaluation Quality Instructional Products)
*2nd Grade - Sums and Differences to 20
Ohio Department of Education
Exemplar Common Core Lessons - EQuIP (Educators Evaluation Quality Instructional Products)*3rd Grade
*6th Grade (click on EQuIP Exemplars and scroll down to 6th grade - it is a ZIP file)
*9th Grade (click on EQuIP Exemplars and scroll down to 9th grade - it is a ZIP file)


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